Monday 28 February 2011


Several years ago I used to teach in a local art college, and was in awe of one of the other teachers there who wrote projects for craft magazines - her subject was textiles.  I thought at the time that if I could ever reach the same lofty heights that I would be a totally fulfilled woman!  Well that time has come as not only have I had projects in Craft Stamper over recent times - but my most recent project has actually MADE THE FRONT COVER - 'REALLY TWEET'.  How truly amazingly cool is that?  I am just completely delighted!  Thanks Katy and crew. (The magazine will be for sale on the CI WEBSITE very soon, the little birdhouses are in the MUST-HAVE'S SECTION right now, and you will find the bird stamp ON THIS WEB PAGE).


Jean x  
p.s. Still enjoying all your lovely comments and all the support I am receiving.


  1. Congratulations!!! I know how that feels (happened to me once.. ) and it's totally deserved, the house looks lovely
    isa x

  2. Congratulations ! Thoroughly deserved. Have all ready spotted that bird house on your site will definitely have to have it !

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! This is awesome - well done. I have just taken a subscription out to craft stamper, so have to buy this edition, but will be getting every month from now on - you must be so happy - tis well deserved


    Great feeling....and about time too :0)

  5. Congratulations Jean - so well deserved - my copy has yet to arrive - I can't wait! Go girl!


  6. So deserved Jean. I have always loved your amazing work and Crafty Individuals designs as you know. I was stalking you and Malcolm for your stamps from the first time I saw them at the Harrogate show hahah. oooooo I have ordered a bird house, can't wait to have a play. Loving the blog! FAB!!!!!! Sue x

  7. Fab project Jean, the article is great and there are loads of examples of the use of your CI stamps in the mag too !! Well done !

  8. So well deserved! I have only read the first few pages as my mag arrived yesterday but the front cover is stunning! I'm sure Katy was only too delighted to have your beautiful design to grace the cover! So pleased for you,

    Lucy x

  9. WOO HOO Jean.... I fully understand. I would wet myself just to have a piece IN the mag let never mind the front cover... well done.. very cute little housey..
    think i might need one of those to do ...

  10. So well deserved Jean, the birdhouse is STUNNING !! I hope the Craft Stamper will arrive soon here in Holland, so I can see your wonderful piece with my own eyes. Great work, wonderful stamps !

  11. Yay, well done Jean! My mag arrived this morning and as well as your cute birdhouse, Crafty Individuals is in evidence throughtout this issue. Some wonderful inspiration for using your fab products.

    I'm about to blog a piece I thoroughly enjoyed making last year using your abbey stamps.

    Lesley Xx

  12. I am so glad you have a blog now Jean. You are definitely on my list to follow.
    I am thinking about a new subscription to C.Stamper. I didn't renew it when they stopped the ATC swap, but I do miss it. I will be getting this issue as my sister is coming out to Spain for a visit and is bringing me a copy, but I have to be patient and wait until the end of the month. It sounds as though the wait will be well worth while.
    I look forward to more ideas and lovely examples of work done with CI products. Kate xx

  13. Hip -Hip- Hooray! Congrats on the cover. Looks terrific. Love all your projects.

  14. Well done - it's really exciting and a lovely project. Helen

  15. So pleased that you have a blog.

    Congratulations on the front cover. Can't wait to get my copy of CS and see your project. I have two naked little birdhouses like that waiting to be embellished !


  16. Jean, Congratultations on being CS Cover Girl. You definitely deserve this.
    I do know what you mean about dreams and aspirations and the pure joy when they are reached.
    Now you are the one whose artwork is inspiring others and making other crafters set their own goals.
