Thursday 26 February 2015


Hi everyone - Hope you received our newsletter showing you the newly released stamps today and hope you likey?!  I will have a bit of an overview of them in another post, as today I want to have a bit of a catch up session on some of the team makes that haven't appeared here yet.

Gio sent over some delightful images of useful makes with a 'his and hers' valentine's theme, and I didn't get my act together in time to show you them earlier in the month.  She has also kindly provided us with a little step by step too....

And the steps for the keyrings.....

Makes beautifully display recently released tag stamps CI-427 and CI-428.

I have a couple of great cards by Daniele using the same stamps...

Sylvie used the woman's tags set (lots of uses for these Elements sets) to make a rather pretty big tag ensemble....

I also somehow managed to miss out showing you a glorious make by Sylvie during the last Challenge about scenic stamping using CI-402+, so here it is.....

And to finish I have another couple of makes by Coco and Sylvie using slightly older stamps!

.....CI-335+ makes an appearance here and below a lovely beach babe tag using a favourite stamp CI-278..

Thank you for the pleasure of your company,

Back soon,

Jean x

p.s. Nearly time for giving you details about the March Challenge!!!!


Jane said...

Lovely makes....I will look out for my email....havent received mine yet? X

Anonymous said...

Fantastic makes and great tutorial x

ionabunny said...

Ooh good, new challenge. Hope it's turtles ROFL. Love the tag collage and associated makes. Haven't checked my email. Need to change that to the other one. You get buried in 5000 other messages. Look forward to your next missive. Hugz

ionabunny said...

Ooh, love the hares and the duck. Hugz

Karen P said...

Just gorgeous! Love the stamping with the fabric - something I would like to try this year. The new stamps are very lush too! Thanks for sharing Karen x

Gio said...

Gorgeous samples. The tags stamps rocks!

And I just saw the newletters, wow, I'm drooling over the new stamps, especially the Alice ones!

nefertiti said...

Lovely projects with the fabric from Gio, and lovely creations from Coco, Daniele.

Unknown said...

Oooh, I'm drooling also over the new stamps, like Gio, they are fantastic!!!! :D
Well, wonderful samples by everyone today, thanks to Gio for her great tutorial, and as usual many thanks to you to share all these beautiful works with all your fans Jean! Bises Coco xxx

Dawn Louise said...

Gorgeous samples, lots to inspire, love all the different styles. X

Scrapmate said...

I usually get your newsletter but I haven't received the current one. I had a look at the new stamps on the website and they are LUSH!

Jean Hardy said...

Thanks for all comments folks. Sorry some of you didn't receive a newsletter - no idea why not I'm afraid x