Sunday 1 March 2015


Its the 1st of March today so that means its time to introduce you to the CI Bi Monthly - March 2015 Challenge.  Sylvie has chosen the title and subject matter this month and it is 'The Animal World'.  This could include birds (penguins perhaps??!), ducks, turtles, bunnies, cats, and all the other animals you can think of and/or that might appear in a Crafty Individuals product that you could use in your make.

Here are the usual guidelines:


To enter this month's Crafty Individuals Challenge please put together your chosen project, which must include at least one Crafty Individuals product please, then post your Challenge project on your Blog, before the end of the month, and include a link back to this Blog.  Leave a link in the URL box displayed in this post to take us directly to your Challenge project, which will then appear on this Blog as a thumbnail image - so we can all see your wonderful arty work.

At the end of the month Sylvie will set about choosing five lucky participants, each of whom will win a CI rubber stamp of their choice, and don't forget that as per usual, once you have linked in your creation, you can also claim a lovely 25% discount code to use on anything you purchase from the CI Website, which will be valid to use until the 10th of April.

Go for it, and enjoy the challenge x

As always we look forward to seeing your entries - you will be in with a chance of winning a free stamp, and you will also be able to obtain a cool 25% CI web discount.  When you have linked in your entry please email us at to obtain your special code, and then go shopping!

Now we generally aim to give you some inspiration to get you creatively started, and as it is Sylvie's Challenge here are a couple of delightful makes by the lady herself, plus a little tutorial which shows us clearly how she went about making the background to these adorable canvasses.  The 10 cm square canvasses used are available HERE and all the Alice Palace stamps can be found HERE....

I hope the above has given you some food for thought.  Lots more inspiration to come,

Back soon,

Jean x


KT Fit Kitty said...

Great theme! Love it! Hoping to be back to play along this month! I love animals and I have the perfect CI stamp!

Cocofolies said...

I love these two little canvas by Sylvie!!! Great theme, I love the world of animals too. Have a lovely day Jean and everyone coming here! Hugs Coco xx

Craftyfield said...

Love Sylvie's canvasses, great idea to combine the 2 dogs stamps in that Valentine inspired image.

ionabunny said...

Great canvases Sylvie. Love your theme. Ooh look, it's a miracle, ionabunny has a link in already. Makes a change from last minute scramble. I see turtle is already in the gallery. Love that. Turtle is so pleased to see the theme and has plans to make more appearences soon. Off to send yiu an email cos I have my eye on those new stamps. Hugz

crafty creations said...

Greta canvas Sylvie - love your choice of theme

Karen P said...

Fabulous theme - hope to be able to play again, thanks for the challenge and fab inspirations Karen x