Saturday 18 January 2020


Thanks all for the get better soon wishes - I think they must have worked - well nearly - as I'm almost better I think.  Cough much improved at last, very tiresome indeed.

So here we go with tonight's happy blog offerings, starting with a few beauties from Sandra...

Some of the stamps featured above include CI-342, CI-442, CI-522, and CI-524.

Four delights by Dora next...

Soooo pretty and made with stamps CI-342 again, CI-525, and CI-351

Another lovely make by Flo (I put this on Facebook, so sweet)....

It features one of our mini images from the books.

And to finish another happy hare from Coco, CI-508...

Plus a couple of lovely cards by Gerrina, again with the lion king and the hearts, links above...

Thanks everyone,
Back soon,
Jean x

Thursday 9 January 2020


Well we've all had the bug, cough, cough, cough, hoping it will pass soon.  Have any of you had it out there?  My eldest son started it off - he was extremely poorly with it, couldn't get out of bed - and he kindly passed it on, lol.  However thought I'd better do a quick blog post nevertheless, as my last was before Christmas, and then go to bed and try and sleep .  Why is it that as soon as you lie down, the coughing starts again?!

I have a few makes I don't think I've shown you yet, although not 100% sure about that.  I'll start with three lovelies by our latest teamie star - Sally Holmes...

....and another one with the Highland Stag CI-526 next by lovely Dora....

Now a few more makes from the last lot of zentangle animals and flowers, drawn by Ellie Mulligan, and made by Isa - just gorgeous...

CI-524, CI-523, CI-522, CI-525, and another older image drawn by Linda Edwards CI-351, appearing above.

Finally this evening a card made by Helen using the flowers again, CI-525, very nice indeed but quite different in colouring..

Love 'em all.
Bye for now,
Back soon,
Jean x

p.s. If you like all things Crafty Individuals then please pop on over and join our new friendly group on Facebook at:
....and there is a challenge going on over there too x