Saturday 30 May 2020


Malcolm and I are driving down to Peterborough through the night on Monday night/Tuesday morning to be there for our first show on Hochanda at 7am, followed by another at 1pm.  So I thought I would quickly share a few sneaky peeks on here whilst getting everything ready, and before we set off.

Our latest new stamp creations were designed by a lovely collage artist called Sharron Bates, and will be released for the first time on the TV shows on Hochanda.  There will be some great deals and lots of demos, and we would be very happy if you could join us by viewing it all through your tellybox or on your computer!

The first two images below were original finished samples designed for us by Sharron herself using two of her brand new stamps...

Here are some more peeks of finished samples, you will see the actual samples on the shows themselves...

Thank you for all your support of Crafty Individuals.

See you on Tuesday

Jean x

Monday 18 May 2020


I have been busy doing a bit of prep for my Wednesday Live Demo on our Facebook page, and here is a bit of a sneaky...

Do join me on Wednesday at 2.30pm on this page:
and also do join our friendly Facebook Group for more Crafty Individuals chat and piccies, if you aren't already a member: 
We would just love to see what you've been up to with your CI products during lockdown.

Previous Facebook Live Demos have included Gelli Printing fun..

Fun with Flo's lovely new stamps plus drawings from Maria and Ellie, and masking techniques ..

Plus fun ways with Koh i Noor paints and cling film..

Malcolm continues to take photos during lockdown, and here is one from today's dog walk (nice and peaceful)..

Stay well, and stay safe,
Back soon,
Jean x

Friday 1 May 2020


Eeeeek I haven't posted since Easter!  Where on earth does the time disappear to?!  This will be fairly brief, but I wanted remind you that we are running a Facebook Live session on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays currently.  All at 2.30pm UK time.  Even if you aren't on Facebook as such I think you can still watch the videos by scrolling down on this page:

Mondays are 'Show and Tell' days, Wednesdays are 'Demo Days', Fridays are 'Giveaway Days' as it stands at the moment.  My last demo (Wednesday) featured all things in simply Black & White.  Inspired by the cards below, last shown on Hochanda:

I went on to demo the following cards:

Simple stamped cards, just in purely black and white!

Do join us there on Facebook if you can (next one today, 2.30pm).

Back soon,
Jean x