Thursday 28 July 2011


Malcolm and I will be at THE CRAFT BARN, in Lingfield, Surrey, on Saturday, 6th August, where I will be demoing our stamps and stuff, at one of their fantastic MINIFESTS.  If you haven't visited The Craft Barn before - you certainly must!  Its just the greatest, heavenly craft shop with pretty much everything a girl (or boy) would ever need, in the crafting line!  We would love to see you there.

And because I don't like to post without a little something visual I am going to show you a couple of lovely pics of items made by our Ginger (aka Carol) which I reckon you will love!

Firstly 3 Optical Lens Pendants:

Carol has used stamps CI-065, CI-135, and CI-305 on these, along with some resin - so check out her BLOG for further details.

And secondly a very pretty tag:

Using CI-322 and some corrugated card, along with a very pretty flower she made herself.

Just a reminder to the winners of the July Challenge - do get in touch soon ladies to claim your prizes.  And it won't be long until the August Challenge begins (where do the months go to???) so keep a watch out right here.  Better have some blog candy on offer soon too I reckon!

The new issue Craft Stamper should be out shortly - can't wait - should be some CI stuff in there you might be interested in!  More news on that soon.

Jean x


Sid said...

Simply fab pendants and tag !!

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Inspirational artwork on display once again.

Vicky said...

Fab projects, both the tag and the pendants are very elegant, T4S

Tini A. said...

OMD....these pendants are absoluty fantastic!