Tuesday 24 June 2014


Do you ever wish you hadn't begun something?..... It started out with me 'lightly trimming' some honeysuckle tonight that had got a bit out of hand and huge against a wall in my garden - but one thing led to another and somehow I now have a completely bare wall, and lots of greenery and huge branches to get rid of!! Ah well I guess it might start to grow back next year, and I won't have a boring brick wall to look at forever!  Meanwhile back on the blog we are still in the process of collecting lovely taggy themed 'links' on this post HERE.  Twenty five entries so far, but still a week to go, so really you have no excuse as its only a tag you need to make this time!!!!

I still have lots of inspiring makes, all with a 'Tag You're It' theme, gathered in a file ready to show you.  So as there is only a week left of June, I had better get a move on, and here we go....

Laury has made a whole bunch of themed and fabby tags, and clipped them together like this...

Quite an assortment of CI stamps appear here such as CI-022 and CI-258, and I think this sort of project would make a lovely gift, don't you?

Lucy made a tag too...

....using the new stamps CI-409, CI-411 and CI-410 which work rather beautifully together here.

Lynne has done us proud yet again with this lovely hanging tag collection....

...and has used stamp set CI-395 so very delicately on her hanging.  Plus she has made this taggy card...

 ...which features CI-405 as focal point, in a very shabby chic kind of way.

 My final lovely crafty pieces for this evening have been created by Helen, who is our leader in this Challenge.....

....and has used the same stamps that Lynne used, but as you can see in a completely different way.

Thanks for reading, and back again soon with another tutorial - in a totally taggy sort of a way of course...

Jean x

p.s. Forgot to say thanks for all the holiday wishes - we had a great time, and Monty Moodle just loved his walkies on the beach.


Julie Lee said...

Lots of great inspiration! Julie Ann xxx

ionabunny said...

A load of great projects. Still have to make mine......

Sid said...

Gorgeous crafty projects !!

Craftyfield said...

All these beautiful tags! I'm getting taggycardia!

rachel said...

great taggy inspiration Jean - and glad you had good hols. Hope the greenery does grow back - I know exactly what you mean!!! Hugs rachel x

Unknown said...

lovely projects jean

Cocofolies said...

All these tags and complementary makes are just fantastic!!! In very different styles for each one, but all a pure delight! I'm in awe!! And you made me smile with your troubles with your honeysuckle Jean. :) Hugs, Coco xxx

Etsuko said...

There are so many imagination and fabulous colours combo. Stunning!! xx