Thursday 19 February 2015


Full of cold, and off to my bed soon, but before I go I wanted to show you a selection of makes from the team all using the new stamp CI-429, 'Trees Galore' in so very many different and beautiful ways.  Stamping is sooooo versatile. 

Here goes:

A very lovely image indeed from Brenda.....

Another beauty from Lynne.....

Coco has a new sketchbook/journal and this is her very first page creation...

 Coco has also made a terrifically tactile tag....

Gio has created two luscious scenes (within a scene)....

Laury has made a cheerful and extremely useful calendar....

And Sylvie has made a gorgeously colourful card....

Thanks ladies.  The links to the team members' blogs are all at the side - have a look and see what they are up to right now!

Please leave a comment or a 'like' on Facebook, if you can!

Bye for now,
Jean x


Unknown said...

lovely projects again Jean hope your cold gets better soon julie

Karen P said...

They are all very beautiful and very unique - it's why I love stamps so much!
A large hot lemon toddy Miss and an early night - hope you feel better soon Karen x

Fliss said...

What absolutely beautiful creations Jean, all so different in style too and do love those gorgeous trees.
Hope you feel better very soon.
Fliss x

Gio said...

So lovely samples!
Ah, the calendar is such a brilliant idea!

Sid said...

Great projects offering loads of inspiration Jean. Hope you are feeling better soon !

CastleKelly Crafts said...

Fab art work from the team especially love the very atmospheric first page of Coco's journal. It's a very grey, dull day here in Kent today so colour is definitely needed.
Thanks to all for the wonderful inspiration x

Gerrina said...

So much inspiration again! Love how original the calander is; that really showes how much colour can do... Inky greetings, Gerrina

Craftyfield said...

From Laury's Clean and simple calendar to Coco's Mixed media projects, these are fantastic examples of how to use this stamp set.

Cocofolies said...

I love all the makes without any exception, they are all great in very different styles indeed!!! A lot of super ideas too from my team-mates, thanks so much for sharing Jean... I will post my AJ page on my blog this week-end. Have a lovely week-end, a bit of sun instead rain and rain again would be very much appreciated by all of us I guess! Hugs, Coco xx

ionabunny said...

Gorgeous. Such a variety of styles for this lovely stamp. Get well soon. Hugz

Jean Hardy said...

Thank you all for your kind messages and well wishes xx

selena said...


nefertiti said...

Gorgeous projects from the DT. they are all differents!!!!!