Sunday 8 January 2017


I should have mentioned this last month, because our lovely teamie Helen had an absolutely beautiful vase decorated with our stamps in the January issue of Craft Stamper (we do still have it available on our website here). She used CI-425 and CI-426, and I just loved it. The vase is a bisque ceramic variety purchased from Hobbycraft (only a few pounds).  It is glazed inside so you can put water in it, but the outside is matt and colours and stamps beautifully.  So I followed her instructions (almost exactly) and here is my version, which I am also delighted with...

... I even bought some cool fake grasses and fake lavender, and then dried a hydrangea head to put inside, and I think it will be staying around on display at home!!

I now have some marvellous makes by teamie Sylvie to show you, and the first colourful make has a step by step in photos to guide you.

Lots of CI stamps on here, but I'm not going to link to them all this time, as it take an age to do, and I'm feeling proper lazy tonight, suffice to say that they can all be found at:

...and here are her steps...

Thanks for that Sylvie x

Here are some more of her lovely CI inspired makes....

... and finally....

Many thanks Sylvie!!

If you got our Newsletter recently you will know that we have some discontinued stamps available for half price at the moment.  Some are already now out of stock, but the remainder can be found within our Sale pages Here if you are quick, probably on pages 3 & 4.  The sale page is always worth a look as we do put things on there quite often, and we all like a bargain now don't we?!

Bye for now,
Back soon,
Jean x


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Adorable makes from Sylvie, thanks for the step by step of the first one!
I just adore the vase of Helen, such a great idea, it's so useful and fabulous design!

Jannet said...

So many stunning pieces of art here! I adore the lovely robins and the proud bulldog!

Gerrina said...

Your vaese looks beautiful! I put this project at my "must try"-list... Great inspiration again; so many techniques! Thanks for sharing!

Craftyfield said...

Wow! So many gorgeous makes from Nerfertiti! Great step by step too.
The vase is such a great gift idea, I'll look them up the next time I'm in Hobbycrafts

Jane said...

Your vase is gorgeous as are Sylvie's makes.I especially love the colours of her step by step card, very different and work really well x

Flo Langley said...

Beautiful decorated vase Jean. Super idea. Gorgeous makes by Sylvie. Love all of them especially the Robin tag....simply stunning. Love the colours and how Sylvie has used the feathers and the CI boarder stamps in the background. Inspiring as always.
Hugs Flo x

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Wow, more stunning makes! I like them all but especially the first card. I think it's the amazing colour palette and there's so much to look at, it's fabulous. Thank you so much for this inspiration and I wish you all a happy crafting week, Sandra x

Cocofolies said...

First your vase is really exquisite, you're right Jean, I must absolutely have a go on Helen's technique too, thanks for the inspiring idea and gorgeous sample!
And then, looking at all the amazing creations by my dear friend Sylvie, seriously, my jaw dropped!!! I can just say how awe-inspiring they are all, I love to bits her work, so beautiful and generous, thank you Sylvie!
Hugs Coco xx

cuilliesocks said...

Oh my goodness Jean I love your vase, beautifully designed and coloured,
Sylvie so creations are wonderful, Kate x

nefertiti/Sylvie said...

This vase is very beautiful Jean!
I will soon play with my clay, I hope!
Thank you for sharing my creations!!!!
Thank you everyone for your kind words.

CastleKelly Crafts said...

Beautiful creations, love the 2 tags by Sylvie. The vase is so clever and has so many possibilities ---- I can see Hobbycraft selling out!
Happy New year to all at Crafty Indiviuals Tower xx

Jackie PN said...

Jean your vase is gorgeous! love that you showed it with your "fake" flowers in it! heehee

Sylvie, I just adore your color palette of pinks and yellows- superb! Such beautiful pieces , all of them and so very inspiring!
Thank you for sharing! xo