Thursday 24 January 2019


It was fun to have a look at some past makes in my last post, and again thanks for the positive comments at the end, as it is good to know you enjoyed the post and the January reflection too.  As mentioned then I am going to continue with this reflection in today's post, and maybe even the next as there is still so much to enjoy and share when you start poking around in old records, files and memories, and we have barely touched the surface yet.

Again I won't link or name as such (although some are named anyway) so you can just scroll down through the images themselves, suffice to say that the makes were all created by a past or present member of the CI Team with mainly CI stamps or other products.  Some are simple and some more involved, some festive and some everyday, and I have kind of been drawn to piccies with a vaguely yellowish/peachy glow to them today I would say....

Do let me know if you find it interesting or inspiring or helpful perhaps to do a little reflecting on the past like this occasionally?!

Thanks for looking,
Back soon,
Jean x

p.s.  Diary Date: Our next trip to the Hochanda TV studios will mean appearances on there on the 4th & 5th of February.  Further details to follow.


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous array of amazing inspirations!!

Flo Langley said...

What a feast!! Loving looking back at the projects Jean. Definitely finding it inspiring and a lot of fun. Also love the projects grouped in colours. They are all totally fabulous projects but one that stands out for me is the little girl with the tree and the bird house. I don't think I have seen that before. Awww! It's adorable.
Flo x

Pat said...

Fantastic work and such variety of projects Jean and a great idea to look back occasionally to show older creations as well as those from the present DT. TFS. x

Gerrina said...

A treat to see so many beauties! And for everyone something to love... Hugs, Gerrina

cuilliesocks said...

Wonderful makes Jean, love looking at them and what marvellous inspiration, Kate x

ionabunny said...

Gorgeous. Lovely to see makes we might have missed and old loved friends who are always worth visiting again. Hugz

nefertiti/sylvie said...

Oh la la!!! it's so funny to see her old creations!!!
And I discover some of my DT friends.
Wonderful work!


Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

Great collection of wonderful projects !

Cocofolies said...

Hi Jean
Same feast for me here!!!
I absolutely adore all, and I love seeing some new ones like this adorable make with the tree and the little girl.
But all is really scrumptious. Wow and Wow!
Proud to have been in your DT :)
Hugs, Coco xx

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

Stunning projects Jean x x

Bree Bites said...

Great read thankyouu